I once went to a town in the north of England on business.
It was about 7:30 in the evening when I reached the hotel. The manageress,a strict old lady of about 60,showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was,she said there was only one sitting at 6:30,and I had 1 it.
“Never mind,”I said.“I'm not very 2. I‘ll just have a drink in the bar(酒吧)and a sandwich.”
“Bar!”she 3her voice.“This is a respectable hotel,young man. If you want 4,you must go somewhere else.”She spoke 5a glass of beer was a dangerous drug.
I went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I 6. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door,but nothing happened. The 7sound was the church clock opposite,which suddenly struck the half-hour with such 8that it made me jump. 9a window opened upstairs. The old lady 10and asked me what was going on. I explained who I was and she let me 11after ten minutes'wait. She was in her nightdress. She told me seriously that guests were 12to be back in the hotel by 11 o‘clock.
I went to bed but could not sleep. Every quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noise. Just before dawn,I finally 13.
When I arrived at 14,everyone else had nearly 15and there was not enough coffee to go round.
“Did you 16well,young man”the old lady asked.
“17,I don't think I could go through 18 night in that room,”I replied.“I hardly slept at all.”
“That's because you were 19 all night drinking!”she said angrily,putting 20 to the conversation.
1. A. had B. passed C. missed D. caught
2. A. hungry B. sleepy C. tired D. happy
3. A. lost B. lowered C. dropped D. raised
4. A. beer B. coffee C. milk D. tea
5. A. even if B. since C. although D. as if
6. A. went to bed B. walked to a club
C. returned to the hotel D. drove to a restaurant
7. A. only B. sharp C. sweet D. last
8. A. effort B. force C. power D. attraction
9. A. Firstly B. Wonderfully C. Unfortunately D. Finally
10. A. came out B. got up C. looked out D. woke up
11. A. down B. out C. back D. in
12. A. ordered B. expected C. taught D. encouraged
13. A. fell asleep B. went to bed C. got up D. gave in
14. A. a decision B. breakfast C. once D. the office
15. A. arrived B. done C. finished D. started
16. A. play B. sleep C. eat D. do
17. A. First of all B. Never mind C. To tell you the truth D. As a result
18. A. one B. another C. such D. any
19. A. away B. here C. down D. up
20. A. an end B. a saying C. a joke D. a pause
“双减”之下,高质量成为一个关键词。学校作为教育的主阵地,教学质量再上新台阶是重中之重。北京师范大学台州实验学校 党总支书记 校长 王进说:“双减”政策引发了教育生态的变革 “减负”的本质是通过提高学习效率和学习质量,让学生获得更多的自由发展的时间和空间 去培养创新精神和实践能力。”在台州市黄岩区新洋环路,坐落着一座中式风范的“花园式学校”——北京师范大学台州实验学校(以下简称:北师大台州实验学校)。该校深耕京师底蕴,宏毅拓新,厚德博学,确立了“教育遇见美好”的办学理念,在细...
从全球消费占比看,中国是世界上最大的机床消费市场,但目前中国在高端机床领域仍存在核心技术薄弱等短板,本土产业重心主要以中低端机床生产为主。数控机床作为现代制造业的关键设备,一个国家数控机床的产量和技术水平在某种程度上代表了这个国家制造业技术水平和竞争力。台州市德恩机电设备有限公司成立于 2013 年,公司坐落在中国模具之乡——浙江台州黄岩模具博览城,是一家专业从事高精度数控机械设备、精密电加工设备、三坐标在线检测、自动化生产线等产品销售及服务为一体的高端数控设备供应商。公司目...
合计 。1013个 。总投资23775亿元。2021-2025年计划投资10873亿元。一、制造业提优工程 。282个 。总投资4878亿元。2021-2025年计划投资2472亿元序号 。项目名称 。建设规模和内容 。建设地点 。总投资( 亿元)。2021-2025年计划投资( 亿元)。责任单位。项目类别( 实施类/谋划类)一、制造业提优工程 。282个 。4878。2472。( 一) 。产业创新中心 。25个 。322。170。1。无人机研发制造检测基地( 台州湾新区)。...
来源 | 台州日报版权归原作者所有,如有侵权请联系我们删除8月31日,市教育局、市发改委、市公安局、市民政局、市财政局、市人力社保局、市总工会、团市委、市妇女联合会等九部门联合印发《关于进一步做好义务教育阶段学校课后服务工作的实施方案》,并自9月1日起执行。方案明确,2021年秋季学期开始后,全市各中小学要实现托管服务学校全覆盖、需求学生全覆盖;各初中要实现晚自修服务全覆盖、需求学生全覆盖。什么是课后服务?其服务对象又是谁?根据方案,台州面向全市义务教育阶段学校在校在读且有放...