收养人要年满( )三十岁---三十五岁---四十岁---四十五岁...
In dehumanization, a human being is generally reduced into a lifeless object or an inanimate machine. It is roughly the...
无配偶的男性收养女性的,年龄应相差( )以上30周岁---35周岁---40周岁---45周岁...
Language variation is selected in a community above the level of conscious awareness when speakers are not consciously a...
收养的拟制效力,是指收养关系的成立导致收养人与被收养人之间发生( )的权利义务关系。[勤读书网站]父母子女---兄弟姐妹---夫妻配偶---祖父母与孙子女...
Germanic, Latin, and French are the three major root sources that account for almost 90% of today˂span style=line-height...
子女对父母有( )的义务抚养---抚育---赡养扶助---教育...
Formal English is much more difficult to attain since it is subject to more restraints and requirements....
甲男与乙女原系出自同一祖父母的堂兄妹,后来乙女被他人收养,依照我国《收养法》的规定,他们( )可以结婚---如果不生育子女,可以结婚---能否结婚从习惯---不能结婚...
Lexical competence consists of receptive knowledge and productive knowledge....
婚生子女,是( )指在受胎或出生的子女。[勤读书网站]婚姻关系存续期间---事实婚姻期间---无效婚姻期间---可撤销婚姻期间...
Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language....
被收养人须为得不到生父母抚养的不满( )周岁的未成年人10---14---16---18...
We should never use dictionaries in vocabulary learning....
继父或者继母经过继子女的( )同意,可以收养继子女。[勤读书网站]养父母---生父母---爷爷奶奶---外公外婆...
There are three morphemes in the word ˂span style=line-height: 140%; font-family:...
Like a simile, a metaphor is also widely used as a figurative technique in expressions and it also needs the support of...